初めてのヘラクレス飼育 -幼虫から成虫までの管理方法-


My First Hercules Breeding


The purpose of this report is to summarize the rearing know-how of Hercules (DHH), which was reared from the end of 2019 to the autumn of 2021. 40 larvae were obtained from adult individuals (one male and two females) purchased from Yahoo auction. We conducted a detailed survey on the rearing of the larvae before it. However, we made some new discoveries and decided to summarize the details in this report.


Containers required for larval rearing


It has been reported that Hercules has a strong spatial awareness, and that the larger the container, the larger the adult Hercules will grow. Thus, at least a medium-sized koba-sha (7L) is needed for one Hercules1-1. Although a pudding cup is sufficient for the first instar, the larvae will gnaw holes in it as they grow larger. It is desirable to use a slightly stronger one. In this rearing, we also tried Styrofoam containers to reduce the temperature change, but we found that the larvae bit the containers and made holes in them.


As a result, we agree with reports 1-3 that a 4.2 litre bread case (Sold in Daiso) is easy to use, as reported in the past. Although this case requires ventilation holes, it is inexpensive and space-saving, and saves cost and space when rearing large numbers of larvae. In this rearing, we also used a 10L container (Daiso) for larger larvae, but although it did not harm them, we could not clearly show how effective it was.


On the other hand, in some cases where multiple rearing was carried out in a medium size (7L) kobasha, there were cases where food exchange was delayed and there were feces everywhere. These cases are not good for the growth of the larvae, and we conclude that it is effective to keep the larvae alone in a case with a volume larger than that of a bread case, especially during the growth period, in terms of securing sufficient food even for females.

1-1 http://www.mushiyahonpo.com/app/Blogarticleview/index/ArticleId/87
1-2 http://www.riverfield-shop.com/newpage1.htm
1-3 https://yunoyama.jp/blog/mikio/hercules/18362/




It has been reported that if you want to raise large individuals, food is not so important, but pedigree is more important. In this study, we could not obtain enough data to prove the importance of pedigree. On the other hand, there was a clear difference in the shape of the thoracic horns of the two adult males which were born from two different females. Figure 2-1 (top) shows an individual born from a 75mm female, and the bottom shows an individual born from a 65mm female. The upper one has a large curvature of the thoracic horns, while the lower one is straight. Although the number of data was small, the same tendency was observed in the other individuals, suggesting that the shape of the thoracic horns is strongly influenced by genetic factors.

図2-1 血統による胸角の相違(上:75mm雌、下65mm雌)

2-1 https://www.aru-na.net/post-312


Mat for rearing larvae


 Some reports recommended PC Favre’s “black sawtooth oak organic mat” 3-1, but we used Rush mat, which is inexpensive and has a good reputation, costing less than 2,000 yen for 50 liters.3-2 In this rearing, it has become clear that the mat plays a major role in the growth of larvae. For example, in this rearing, we tried to feed mats for stag beetles, but the growth of larvae was clearly delayed compared to Rush mats.


Mats can be classified: mature mats suitable for spawning and management of first instar larvae, and shallow mats, with or without additives to support growth. We selected Rush mats because it was reported that mats with less maturity and additives are preferable for Hercules growth. This year, however, there are reports3-4 that MD mats are superior to Rush mats, and we will consider using MD mats in our next rearing.


In this study, we followed this information and replaced all mats as much as possible. In this study, we followed this information and replaced all the mats as much as possible.3-7 Even if feces were not noticeable, we decided to replace the mats around 3 months.


One of the key points of using fermented mats is degassing. In this rearing, the purchased mat was opened once, then some holes were made in it, and a typhoid seal was put on it to prevent insects from getting into it. However, as a result, the gas release seemed to be insufficient, and there were some cases in which larvae crawled to the upper part of the mat and stopped diving after being put in.


It was thought that the gas release of the typhoid seal was insufficient. In addition, since the mats were stored on a balcony, it is thought that the temperature difference between the mats and the larvae was also generated. Therefore, in the future, we would like to consider a method of keeping the mats in the case for a week before using them. In order to do so, we will consider the need for additional cases and storage space for the mats.

3-1 http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~id8k-sgn/kuwabaka2000d/ender/ender1.html
3-3 http://www.wraios.co.jp/lickysiiku.htm
3-4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2Yz6hZ-e04
3-6 http://www.riverfield-shop.com/newpage1.htm
3-7 http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~id8k-sgn/kuwabaka2000d/ender/ender1.html


Temperature control for larvae


Although we were not able to obtain clear data on the management temperature of larvae, we suspect that it is an important factor for rearing. Many reports suggest that larvae should be kept at about 25°C4-1 , and some reports4-2 recommend low temperature management to prevent hatching displacement.


Also, although the data is not statistically demonstrable, it is considered important to keep the temperature constant. It was found that if the air conditioner was not operated, there was a large temperature difference between day and night, and condensation could easily be seen on the case. These are considered undesirable in ensuring stable mat conditions.


Although this was not done in this rearing, it was reported that it is desirable to put the feces of the larvae when changing the mats. The larvae have bacteria in their bodies that help decompose the mats.4-3 This may have been the cause of the larvae’s agitation after the mat change, and I would like to try this in the future.

4-1 http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~id8k-sgn/kuwabaka2000d/ender/ender1.html
4-2 https://living-creature.com/hercules-larva/
4-3 https://asteroidsaitama.jimdofree.com/%E9%A3%BC%E8%82%B2%E6%83%85%E5%A0%B1-%E7%94%BB%E5%83%8F%E3%82%AE%E3%83%A3%E3%83%A9%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC/%E3%83%98%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AA%E3%82%AA%E3%82%AB%E3%83%96%E3%83%88%E3%81%AE%E4%BB%B2%E9%96%93%E3%81%AE%E9%A3%BC%E8%82%B2/



図5-1 孵化後3か月以降の幼虫体重(雄15頭、雌4頭)の分布(蛹まで生育し確認)


ヘラクレス ヘラクレスの飼育(幼虫飼育) - クワガタ・カブトムシ飼育情報:月夜野きのこ園
今日はヘラクレス ヘラクレス(通称ヘラヘラ)の幼虫飼育の作業をやりました。 私、shihoの場合、ヘラクレス系の幼虫は以下のような手順で飼育しております。 ①孵化した幼虫は大型のプリンカップ(860cc)に入れる。 ②投入して、外側から様子を見ながら3令に加齢した時点で♂♀の判別を行う。 ③♂ならば...

 一方で、腹部判定の有効性を上記の100日以降で70gを超えるかどうかという基準で妥当か否かを検証したい。図5-2-1~4に孵化後6カ月以経った幼虫の体重と腹部の写真を示す。写真のように100gを超える個体には尻部より3個目の節の尻側に茶色いハイフン” - ”のようなマークが観察できる。一方、70gを下回る個体には当該マークは観察できなかった。しかし、マークは図のように観察しづらく付着物と混同する可能性があり、100日以降の体重測定がより確実で判断ミスをしずらい判定方法と結論する。

図5-2-1 7カ月経過後の雄と思われる個体(マークが確認できる)
図5-2-2 8カ月経過後の雄と思われる個体(マークが確認できる)
図5-2-3 6カ月経過後の雌と思われる個体(マークが確認できない)
図5-2-4 8カ月経過後の雌と思われる個体(マークが確認できない)



 幼虫は蛹化に先立ち蛹室を形成する。蛹室はマットや自身の糞を壁として形成する。従ってマットは成型性が良い状態である必要がある。本飼育で用いたRushマットは購入時は粒子が粗く、水分を含んでも固まりにくい状態であるが、使用して2カ月より経過すると徐々に泥のような状態となり成形性が向上する。すなわち蛹化が近づいた状態でマット交換をしてしまうと蛹室作成に影響を及ぼす可能性がある。実際に直前に交換をしてしまった固体で、蛹室が作れずマット上部で蛹化を試みる個体が見られた。表6-1 に孵化から前蛹および羽化までの期間を示す。前蛹までの期間は概ね1年であることが分かる。蛹室は前蛹化する2週間程度前から形成するため、概ね孵化より9カ月を超えた後はマット交換を実施しないことが望ましいものと考えられる。ここで65雌から生まれた個体は前蛹/羽化までの時間が75雌から生まれた個体よりも2カ月長いことが分かる。遺伝により変化する可能性にも注意を払う必要がある。

表6-1 孵化から前蛹および羽化までの期間





6-1 https://www.tsukiyono.co.jp/stag2/2014/04/07/%E3%83%98%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AA%E3%82%AA%E3%82%AB%E3%83%96%E3%83%88%E7%A8%AE%E3%81%AE%E9%A3%BC%E8%82%B2%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95%EF%BC%88%E8%9B%B9%E5%8C%96%EF%BD%9E%E7%BE%BD%E5%8C%96/
6-2 https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q12107689867
6-3 https://ameblo.jp/dorcus-akabane/entry-12292728804.html
6-4 https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q12100447027

