


There are other useful things on Ryota’s site as well. One thing that I read and could relate to is that you don’t argue and refute. I can relate to that very much myself. I can relate to this because I have had many experiences of being hurt by arguments and counterarguments. But, contradictory as it may seem, I like to argue. I often lose track of time when discussing the technical aspects of the research I am working on. Also, when I’m arguing, I sometimes feel that the other person is enjoying it too. This is a unique ability of HSP. So what is the difference between a discussion you want to have and one you don’t want to have? I would like to think about this in depth.



I thought there were two points to discuss. The first is trying to produce the same output. I don’t think this is the case as much as you might think. Also, if the goal is too far away, even if the end goal is the same, I think the discussion will end up going in different directions. It might be a good idea to boldly decide on the output of today’s meeting, including the direction, at the beginning of the meeting. The other party may be repulsed, though



I think the other thing is that we can use the same language. It’s as different as English and Japanese, and it’s easy to understand situations where we can’t speak each other at all. Of course, nothing is understood. But there are times when I think that even Japanese people do not use the same language as each other. For example, in conversations between scientists, technical terms are used frequently. The difficulty is that as you get older, you cannot express what you do not understand. There seems to be a tendency for Japanese people to feel embarrassed if they don’t understand a conversation. If I don’t understand something, I will ask, even if I am made fun of. Also, as I am an HSP, if there is even one person around me who has difficulty understanding something, I will try to explain it gently.



There are many things we have no control due to our environment. For example, we have no control over our height and face. Recently, I have heard that intelligence is also determined by genes. Even if the other person is saying the wrong thing, there is a reason why they have to say it. I don’t think it is a good idea to tell someone that they are wrong directly. If we don’t try to understand each other, I don’t think any discussion will go well.

