HSPにとって、理想の友情とは? ~兵庫県HSP交流会に参加して~








What is the Ideal Friendship for HSPs? – A Report from the Hyogo HSP Gathering

Today, I attended an HSP gathering held in Hyogo Prefecture. Organized by Mr. I, the event had a warm and welcoming atmosphere thanks to his calm demeanor, allowing all participants to freely exchange their thoughts. Apparently, the event was so popular that it reached its capacity immediately after registration opened, and there was even a waiting list.

Various topics were discussed at the gathering, but one that particularly resonated with everyone was “What kind of friendships do HSPs seek?” To summarize, while HSPs dislike being overly involved in, they also tend to lack decisiveness. Therefore, they often look for friends who are straightforward, assertive, and can provide gentle guidance.

Many participants shared relatable experiences, such as “hurtful words can be truly painful” and “yet, I feel like I need friends who can give me honest feedback.”

For example, one participant mentioned being hurt by comments about their appearance, even among male friends. Indeed, HSPs are highly sensitive to the words of others, and remarks like “You look older” or “You’ve gained weight,” even if intended as harmless jokes, can deeply affect them.

On the other hand, there were also positive experiences shared, such as how a straightforward friend helped someone reflect on themselves. While HSPs can be sensitive and may tend to rely on others, having a friend who can offer constructive criticism can sometimes be a catalyst for personal growth.

What I realized at this gathering is that HSPs are not seeking solitude but rather deep, trusting connections with friends.

