また惨敗しないために -反論テクニック-




It’s been a while since I had a meeting with someone I cannot go along with. He doesn’t aim for the very same output as I wrote about on 1/24. I thought I had taken measures for him involving my boss, but the results were disastrous. I was cut into for small things and came to the conclusion that I had to change my schedule again. I will have to start making adjustments again next week. One of my failures was that I got upset during the meeting. As Ryota said, this kind of meeting may not be suitable for me, but I can’t say that now. For example, in a meeting, I thought it would be better not to state my side of the story even if I wanted to refute what the other person was saying. Instead, I needed to be objective and make sense of it. I’m going to look into whether there are any techniques for this kind of discussion.



The aftereffects of a devastating loss have set in. Yesterday, I went out for a walk with my family, and after half an hour, a black blur came over my mind. Yesterday’s disastrous defeat was being interpreted worse and worse, and I felt a sense of hopelessness that I would never be able to escape from that person for a long time to come. I tried to remain as calm as possible, and left my wife and the others to stop by the supermarket, and went home alone. Some people often recommend taking a walk when you are feeling down in the dumps, but I think it is important not to overdo it, depending on your physical strength. I think it is important not to overdo it, depending on the person’s physical strength. It may be better to keep it within 30 minutes at most. When your physical strength decreases, your mental strength also decreases.


I went for a walk today, taking care of my strength. I was able to come home today without feeling sick. Not wanting to lose the argument, I bought some books on improving argumentation techniques. One of the books was “Introduction to Argumentation” by Hidenobu Konishi, which was more difficult than I thought it would be, and although I could sort of understand what it meant, I didn’t feel like it was a practical book. It’s more difficult than I thought it would be. The other books will arrive soon.


本の到着を待っている間にyou tubeで参考になる対処法を調べました。こちらの方は、実用的な対処方法が見つかりましたのでご紹介します。一つ目は複数の人が言っていることですが、自分の立場を意識することのようです。HSPは相手を思いやることが前提になっているので、基本的に相手のために、なるべくしてあげたいと自分を相手よりも下の立場においてしまうことがあると思います。対処法では自分が相手と同じ立場と意識すると述べています。良い解決策だと思いますが、実際できるかなと自問すると難しいような気がします。実際に今も想像していたら緊張してきました。この解決策はHSPには難しいかもしれませんね。挑戦はしてみたいと思いますが。今日は気持ちが落ち気味なので、2019年に行った上高地の清々しい写真を貼ってみます。

While waiting the books, I searched some helpful coping strategies on you tube. Here are some of the practical ways I found to cope with. The first thing that several people have mentioned is to be aware of your own position, since HSPs are supposed to be considerate of others, they tend to put themselves in a lower position than others, because they basically want to do as much as possible for others. The solution to this problem is to make yourself aware that you are in the same position as the person. I think it’s a good solution, but when I ask myself if I can actually do it, I think it’s difficult. In fact, I’m getting nervous just thinking about it. I think this solution may be difficult for HSPs.



I continued to look for a solution that could be done by HSPs. The next solution was entitled, “The pretending Victim Technique.” This is something I sometimes use without even realizing it. For example, when I wanted to make a point, I would say, “Considering〰 and 〰, I have no choice but to come to this conclusion. Unfortunately…. as if you do not want to accept the conclusion. This is certainly effective, and the other person may be able to accept it without feeling of being manipulated .
Another interesting way to deal with this is to argue with sensationalism when the other person can reason, and to reason back when the other person can reason. This is certainly true at times. No matter how perfect my logic is, I still get the objection, “But I don’t really agree with you…” I don’t know what to say when someone says that.



I would like to talk about one last thing. I think this is the most practical thing to do, and that is to ask questions. Even if the other person says something absurd, don’t get emotional, but politely ask, “Why are you doing it? “. As I write this, I feel like I could have avoided the situation at the meeting on Friday if I had been able to do that.
It’s a long story, but the bottom line is to ask questions until you are fully satisfied. At that time, I thought it would be a good idea to be aware that I am in the same position as the other person. I will try this once and report the results.

