



HSPs are able to predict the emotions of others. This is why they are unable to drive others in the corner. This is because they can feel the feelings of others who are suffering as if they were. This is the exact opposite of the so-called psychopaths. If the other person is a normal person, he or she will gradually stop listening to good people like us and start listening to people who drive him or her in the corner. In this sense, HSPs may not be suited to be managers in Japanese companies. It may be prejudiced, but in my working life, I have often seen people who have a high ability to drive others in the corner become managers.



I took a look at Ryota’s website. His title is “HSP Advisor”. I was surprised to see how comprehensive it is. I was very surprised to see that his site is very comprehensive. The following are some of the ways to avoid being lambasted that I found on Ryota’s site: keep up appearances, speak slowly, and don’t try to impress others. People who tend to lambaste their opponents are trying to find a way to take advantage of them. There are some specific things you can do to improve your appearance. I will look into it this weekend and work on it immediately

