

The Moment HSPs Realize Their Value


Photography Contest


There was a photo contest at work. It was a small contest held by 6-7 volunteers in our department, but two of the photos I submitted won first and second prize. It was the first time in a long time that I was happy. However, what really made me happy was not the fact that I won the first prize, but the fact that I was able to convey the emotion I wanted to convey to others.


The photo below is the one that I won the first prize, and the title is River Fog. Here are some of the comments I received.
I can feel the clear, noiseless air in this photo.
The trees are well placed and beautiful.
I realized how happy I was that my intentions were conveyed. I have less and less opportunity to express what’s in my heart, and thinking that the simple happiness that HSPs feel in their daily lives can be conveyed and appreciated by people gave me a lot of confidence.



I posted another one. I really like this one too. I added comments from my colleagues to this one as well.

1. It’s interesting that it looks like a miniature.
2. The colorfulness of the snowwear against the white picture gives it a toy-like cuteness. One person asked me if I had gone out of focus to make the skier look like a miniature. Unfortunately, it was an accident.


The Joy of Being Understood


The sensitivity of HSP may enhance fine artistic abilities such as photography. Also, as I mentioned above, I was very happy with the comments I received from everyone. Looking back, I was very pleased with the comments I received when my presentation, which I put a lot of effort into, was recognized at work. I feel like my HSP abilities will continue to grow as long as I receive warm feedback. I also thought I would do my best in my photography activities.

